Daniel Roberts

M. +44 75 30 44 77 20

E.  daniel.roberts01@gmail.com

W. raasconsulting.blogspot.com

Daniel has over 35 years’ experience in Risk Management, Internal Audit and Innovation, Information Systems Audit, Information Technology, Consulting in E&E, Corporate Governance and XBRL.

He developed an Enterprise Risk Management system in the 1990s embedding COSO concepts and content.

He developed a diagnostic tool to facilitate strategic and operational planning.

Has advised company Boards.

Advised regulators on the introduction and implementation of business reporting standards.

Re-engineered Internal Audit departments.

He has worked in North America, New Zealand and the UK, and has undertaken assignments in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, UAE and France, and has been a UK FCA Approved Person.

Industries include Financial Services, Telecommunications, Professional Services, Listed and unlisted companies, and provision of support to leaders in a number of other industries and public sector entities.

BSc in Behavior Science from the University of Maryland, 1985.