
To nurture an international network for visionary thinkers in opportunity and risk management and related topics. In particular, to provide an independent and non-biased forum aimed at helping, supporting and advising Decision Makers (DM) in identifying, capturing, and managing sustainable stakeholder value through the exchange of ideas, experience and innovative thinking, inspiring people to develop effective management practices, accelerate but focus decision making and help frame the systems that deliver the business culture and behaviours needed for future excellence.


Scope and values

It is our view that traditional management and governance practices are not evolving quickly enough to provide the stable decision-making platform necessary in a dynamic and evolving world. This is true for society, for institutions, and for individual decisionmakers in those institutions. The only certain thing is uncertainty!


There are a plethora of tools, processes, guidelines, and advice available from many sources and most scratch the surface of the purpose of risk management and many are rigid and unable to capture the dynamic evolution of risk and opportunity. Fulfilling a specific need or requirement. Through the creation of this network, we hope to foster inspired discussions and collaboration intended to extend, extrapolate, and close gaps these tools create and support you in supporting your stakeholders in their decision making.


Beyond Risk Management is a voluntary and independent network of Risk and DM practitioners interested in inspiring and extending, to the full 360° spherical scope of vision necessary to grasp insight and create wisdom through the collective sharing of lessons learned and validated practices from their organizations. Organizationally, the network fundamentally values and relies upon the following unique blend of specific criteria:

  • A global membership of high-level, experienced DM practitioners.
  • A balance of organizational backgrounds including but not limited to governmental, for-profit corporations, non-profit and research organizations.
  • A collaborative environment in which open-minded exchanges are fostered, under a shared commitment to enhance and develop a management system designed for the future under a shared commitment of confidentiality (Chatham House Rule).


Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the think tank is to animate visionary thought exchange, provide practical advice and deliver insight to help decision makers develop focus of purpose, accelerate effective decision making and provide stakeholder value in a sustainable, dynamic and inspirational environment.

The objective is to promote a platform, and forum, of open exchange which facilitates the business culture development of being comfortable with uncomfortable uncertainty, constant change and accelerating risks and opportunities. Through the framing of sustainable business decision-making systems, we strive to identify and capture the future of the risk management discipline and embed it in the business and organizational behaviour of leaders and their teams

Given the constant changes in the business, social and economic environment, these problems are of increasing urgency for all decisionmakers, their advisors, and those providing oversight (e.g. Board members). Tough decisions are needed so a light helping show us a direction can help.

Beyond Risk Management does not have all the answers, but we provide a space for forward-thinking decisionmakers, stewards of institutional health (Board members, CEOs, CFOs, risk managers, …), and their supporters (entrepreneurs, researchers, data scientists, …) to share experiences and build better adapted and more resilient enterprises.

Through visionary thought, practical experience and efficient implementation members should be able to support company and organisational objectives, attain stakeholder appreciation, respect and trust through continuous innovation capture, risk mitigation and effective and efficient responses to market evolution. Supporting and advising on board level visionary goal setting, strategic implementation and management effectiveness.

The Beyond Risk Management network will work collaboratively in a non-attributional environment to provide a cooperative forum for discussions including periodic meetings and events as well as ongoing electronic discussions, which enable all group members to:

§  Exchange ideas, methods, lessons learned, state-of-the-art and best practices across the group members’ organizations and experience base,

§  Perform special collaborative projects of interest to members,

§  Provide peer assistance to solve members’ DM issues,

§  Promote DM research.

While the articulation of what DM should look like will itself be a central point of discussion of the group, and will evolve over time, the inspiration is to offer a platform for exchange in response to a shared belief that many common risk management practices suffer from the following issues:

  • Too compliance focused and thereby hindering innovation and creativity
  • Too self-centred, not valuable for the concerns and decisions of institutional stakeholders,
  • Not forward-looking enough, both as to specific risks considered, as well as the evolution of the RM discipline itself,
  • Confusing problems with risk and opportunity due to time horizon constraints or parameters,
  • Not following what we preach in terms of open mindedness, creativity, change, opportunity, curiosity and scope.



The membership of Beyond Risk Management is composed of individual members and risk management affiliates from all over the world:

§  Senior risk managers/chief risk officers or experts from forward-thinking organizations,

§  Researchers from educational institutions,

§  Individuals who have demonstrated commitment in developing the role of DM, have previously held positions as risk managers in organizations and can enrich the value proposition of the group,

§  Current or former senior executives, Board members, or similar who were actively involved in RM-related issues at their organizations outside of any formal RM process, but have a passion for developing RM.

In particular, we aim to provide its members with a:

§  Freewheeling, challenging but respectful discussion of these issues and possible solutions,

§  Growing library of relevant articles and blog posts, many written by members,

§  Chatham House Rule environment for sharing experiences,

§  An alternative to self-interested, commercial services marketing masquerading as discussion,

§  Overall, a focus on opportunity capture, resilience, and agility; not compliance and responding to yesterday’s challenges.

Members are expected to:

1.    Participate/contribute:

·         Exchange, challenge and actively engage in discussions with peers and with other domains, and

·         Seek to increase understanding and improve risk management and the identification and exploitation of opportunities.

·         Challenge common understanding with new views and thoughts that can help initiate solutions and systems for the developing world

2.    Learn:

·         Be adaptive and have a desire to improve dealing with opportunity, risk, and related topics, and

·         Share and gain knowledge and experience and assist others in improving their dealing with opportunity and risk.

·         Be curious and open to adapting and embedding ideas from other domains to further decision making speed, agility and strength.

3.    Share:

·         Contribute to the knowledge base when comfortable doing so

·         Help demonstrate the value of managing uncertainty with opportunities and risk

·         Provide practical success stories and examples

·         Thoughts on where we are going.


Membership is by invitation, with new members sponsored by current group members, and is formally granted by the Steering Committee. Members are expected to be active participants, not merely listeners/observers.

Members may resign their membership at any time. Membership may also be withdrawn by the Steering Committee, in response to violation of Beyond Risk Management rules, extended absence/minimal participation, or in response to a significant amount of concern by the rest of the membership.

We trust that all members appreciate and adhere to the Chatham House Rule concerning the use of information obtained though Beyond Risk Management. We request that members using information, elements, or materials developed as a result of discussions in the Beyond Risk Management credit the Beyond Risk Management.



The leadership of Beyond Risk Management is provided through a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee makes its best efforts to reach consensus for every decision.

The steering committee is consensus driven.

Beyond Risk Managements Steering Committee will, in particular:

§  Establish and manage the activities of Think Tank in accordance with the purpose and objectives set forth in this Charter,

§  Schedule periodic meetings or Forums, establish agendas and give mandate and support to the identified Forum or event organizers,

§  Maintain appropriate virtual discussion groups,

§  Encourage and provide support for knowledge-sharing activities,

§  Maintain members-only repositories and tools encompassing in particular best practices, lessons learned, and documents exchanged during Think Tank events. These may include discussion summaries, blogs, document collections, among others,

§  Manage new membership requests and Steering Committee membership,

Report to all members at least once a year on past-year achievements and plans for the coming year.

The Steering Committee consists of a number of members (minimum 3) drawn from as many different, with not more than one person from any individual, organizations. It endeavours to renew its membership on a regular basis and its composition should reflect, at all times, the diversity of Beyond Risk Management membership.



Beyond Risk Management members are expressing their own views and do not engage their organizations.

The Steering Committee and members organizing Beyond Risk Management events cannot take over any responsibility or liability related to compliance by members with applicable laws and regulations, or fitness for purpose of materials used or conclusions drawn in their own work on the basis of Think Tank discussions.


About this Charter

This Charter is a formal statement of the principles, rights and obligations attached to the group network. Members commit to complying with it at all times. Any amendment to this text will require formal approval by group members.




Adrian Clements - Christoph Schwager - Daniel Roberts - Martin Pergler