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The future of Risk Management
The future of risk management.pdf
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Downloadable tools

We offer several downloadable tools and templates. At this time, these include:

  1. A simple spreadsheet to calculate the meaning of life. 
  2. A template to identify, assess, prioritize AND mitigate all risks an enterprise faces without the need to have any insight as to the business' practices. 

Access to these tools is free of charge, but requires acceptance of the following conditions.


I acknowledge that these tools are provided without any warranty whatsoever, and may or may not be suitable for any specific application. I agree to use these tools at my own risk; to hold; its organizers, members, and agents; and the authors or contributors of these tools harmless for any harm or damages caused to me or my institution by their use; and I indemnify those same parties for any harm or damage others may suffer as a result of my use, application (including modification), or dissemination of these tools. Further, I undertake to respect any licensing conditions or usage and dissemination restrictions specified for each tool.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.